5 Health Benefits Of CBD Oils

Cannabidiol—CBD—is a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits, but does not make people feel stoned” and can actually counteract the psychoactivity of THC. One of my training partners, Erin Dawson-Chalat, M.D. , of Cape Elizabeth, Maine, says that her persistent plantar fascia pain went away within a few days of applying topical CBD balm to the area. Hemp plants convert cannabigerol (CBG) into cannabinoids through enzyme activity, making CBG the highly sought-after root form of the world's 100+ varieties of cannabinoids.

One of the reasons the CBD industry has skyrocketed in recent times is that, with CBD products, people can enjoy many of the same potential benefits as marijuana, without the high” or legal implications. Thus those who use CBD, whether in the form of oil, lotion, food or vitamins,” don't experience the high” associated with cannabis.

Be aware that the labelling on their whole plant tincture is a bit confusing - only 25% of the labelled whole plant hemp extract” is actually CBD. Despite the fact that CBD cannot be legally sold in the U.S. as a dietary supplement, many CBD products are available.

Back in 2011, a study published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology found that when people with generalised social anxiety disorder (SAD) were given 600mg of CBD oil prior to a public speaking test, as opposed to a placebo, they experienced significantly less anxiety, difficulty and discomfort during their speech.

There are several reports from parents claiming their children benefited positively after including cannabis in their treatment , such as a decline in aggressive behavior, pure cbd oil a significant decrease in seizures, improved speech, including children who did not speak before and achieved significant results in a short period of time after their first dose of CBD oil.

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